Understanding ISO 27001: The Comprehensive Security Standard Your MSP Should Have

Posted on May 28, 2024
What is ISO 27001?

In the IT industry, methods of handling data and information security vary widely in effectiveness. Thankfully there are global standards which address this issue. The most notable of these standards is ISO 27001:2022. In this article we’ll discuss what ISO 27001 is and why your Managed Service Provider (MSP) should have this certification.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the leading international standard for managing information security risks.

In Australia, ISO 27001 is often referenced by industry bodies and government entities as the ideal foundation for information security practices.

The framework was created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO); it highlights the compliance requirements of effective information security management systems (ISMS).

The ISO 27001 certification involves rigorous assessment and regular audits, ensuring that certified businesses adhere to the highest standards of data protection. This means that those who are certified need to both maintain and continually improve their security practices.

This systematic approach to managing sensitive company information ensures that cyber security and privacy protection practices are in place, and that customer data remains secure.

Key Components of ISO 27001

There are three main principles of information security outlined in ISO 27001.

  • Confidentiality – Only the right people can access information.
  • Information integrity – Data is reliably stored and not erased or damaged.
  • Availability of data – Data can be accessed easily whenever it is necessary to do so.

At the heart of these principles is the requirement to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve an information security management system (ISMS). In fact, to be fully compliant with ISO 27001:2022, organisations must conform to a list of 24 mandatory requirements related to that ISMS. This ensures that the organisation is continually monitoring and improving their security stance.

In addition, ISO 27001 outlines 93 individual controls that set a high baseline for security throughout the organisation. These controls are sectioned into four key themes:

Organisational Controls

Organisational controls are all about defining the rules that staff need to follow, as well as the expected behaviour from users. The policies established here highlight management’s commitment to security and their understanding of the businesses activities they engage in.

People Controls

Having policies for knowledge building is the key to this control. All staff should be fully capable of fulfilling their responsibilities in a secure way that aligns with ISO 27001. To achieve this, it’s integral that businesses prioritise education and experience for their staff. This means that if there were ever an incident, staff will know the correct procedure to follow to quickly neutralise the situation.

Physical Controls

Implementation of these controls involves protecting the physical space where data is involved. This ranges from use of equipment such as security cameras and alarm systems, through to security requirements of the physical space itself.

Technological Controls

These controls are probably more along the lines of what you would have guessed for an IT security standard. It’s about correctly using software, hardware, and firmware. Implementation involves identifying and continually monitoring for threats. It also requires effective ongoing management and includes items like proper backup procedures.

Why Your MSP Should Be ISO 27001 Certified

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) can be deeply involved with your IT systems. They often provide services that manage everything IT related for your business. That can be incredibly convenient but it’s important to remember they deal with large amounts of your company data.

A certification in ISO 27001 means that the MSP looking after your business has the correct systems in place to effectively manage the security of your data.

This certification shows that they don’t just claim to do the right thing; they have been audited by an external company that has verified it.

Benefits of Partnering with ISO 27001 Certified Businesses

  • Trust and confidence in your data protection
  • 3rd party ensured security reliability
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Ongoing commitment to proactive risk mitigation
  • Transparency in security practices
  • Established business continuity processes

AUIT’s Commitment to Customer Security

At AUIT we’re proud to have taken the steps to be certified in ISO 27001:2022.

We have put countless hours into establishing business policies that result in the best security practices for our customers.

Implementing this leading security standard is more than just a badge of honour; it represents a commitment to robust ongoing security management.

If you would like to hear more about what AUIT’s ISO 27001 certification means for the management of your business data, get in touch through the form below.

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